Jakarta - Managing Director and Senior Partner of Boston Consulting Group Davids Tjhin conveyed important things that need to be fulfilled by companies so that the transformation of artificial intelligence can run effectively.
"At the company level, we see that there are perhaps five things that are important if we want this AI transformation to work, from our empirical experience," said Davids in a special interview session in Jakarta, Thursday (13/5).
First, he said, AI transformation requires not only technical support, but also strong commitment from the company's top leaders.
Davids emphasized the importance of the role of top leadership sponsorship in implementing AI transformation at the corporate level.
The support of the CEO and the entire board of directors is a key factor, because AI is not only used by the information technology division, but also other business units.
Second, AI transformation must be in line with corporate strategy. According to Davids, AI needs to be included in the company's strategic planning, both in the work plan and the budget plan.
Third, companies must be able to explain the value and expected results of AI investments to shareholders. This is important to ensure that the use of AI has a positive impact on business performance.