Specialist doctor explains the risks of cleaning ears with cotton buds

Specialist doctor explains the risks of cleaning ears with cotton buds

Jakarta - Ear, nose, throat, head and neck specialist Raden Mohamad Krisna Wicaksono Barata explains the risks of cleaning ears using cotton buds.

He said that the ear has a natural self-cleaning mechanism, which involves the production of a wax-like fluid called cerumen to protect the ear from infection.

"So, actually, the dirt and bacteria in the ear have a function to overcome infections," said the doctor who practices at the Mahar Mardjono National Brain Center Hospital (RSPON) in an online discussion event attended from Jakarta on Tuesday.

He said that using ear picks such as cotton buds to clean the ears can push earwax into the inner ear and pose a risk of blockage which can cause hearing loss.

According to him, if cotton buds go too far into the ear, they can also cause damage to the eardrum.

"Especially if you use foreign tools. For example, someone uses a key or maybe their hands are not clean. That can cause cuts. Cuts can cause infections in the ear canal," he explained.

Krisna said that improper use of ear drops can also harm the hearing organs.

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