Psychologist: Tips to follow when your friend is being bullied

Psychologist: Tips to follow when your friend is being bullied

Jakarta - Child and family clinical psychologist from the University of Indonesia's Institute of Applied Psychology , Anna Surti Ariani shared tips that can be done when seeing friends become victims of bullying , especially at school.

According to him, one of the things that can be done is to report it to the party that can provide assistance.

"Reporting is one of the things we need to do. If it's at school, it means reporting to the guidance and counseling teacher , or to the principal, homeroom teacher, or teachers who are responsible," said Anna Surti Ariani, S.Psi., M.Si, in a question and answer discussion in the Epicentrum Kuningan area, South Jakarta, Monday.

The psychologist who is familiarly called Nina also suggests that when you see a friend become a victim of bullying, what you can do is provide psychological first aid or initial psychological support.

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