Indosat ensures secure connection throughout Eid homecoming route

Indosat ensures secure connection throughout Eid homecoming route

Jakarta - Indosat Ooredoo Hutchison ensures the capacity and coverage of services at various busy points along the safe homecoming route by holding a "Reliable Network Expedition" to monitor network performance.

The expedition involves two main routes, namely Jakarta-Lampung-Palembang and Jakarta-Jogja-Malang. This effort is made to ensure the readiness of the network on strategic routes that are the focus of people's travel during homecoming.

"So the focus for this time is Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr celebrations. We have strengthened the network, especially in terms of coverage and capacity, so our focus is on homecoming routes, homecoming destinations and POIs," said SPV Head of Network Operation IOH Raden Tofan at the Indosat Berkah Ramadan and Breaking Fast Together event in Jakarta, Thursday.

Tofan said Indosat has optimized 632 Points of Interconnection (POI) such as at bus terminals, homecoming routes, train lines, town squares and other crowded places.

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