Jakarta - PT Pertamina International Shipping signed an extension of the service level agreement with PT Pelindo in order to improve business services in the maritime logistics sector.
Director of Crude Oil and Petroleum Tankers PIS Brilian Perdana in his statement in Jakarta, Thursday, said the signing of the SLA was an extension of the cooperation that ends in 2024.
"The signing of this cooperation reflects the effectiveness of the collaboration that has been established between PIS and Pelindo. Currently, PIS operates more than 300 ships and operates in more than 150 terminals. Full support is needed from PTK and Pelindo Group so that our operations can run smoothly, safely, and in accordance with applicable regulations," said Brilian.
The cooperation contract was signed by the Director of Crude Oil and Petroleum Tankers PIS Brilian Perdana, President Director of PT Pertamina Trans Kontinental I Ketut Laba, Managing Director of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia Putut Sri Muljanto, and President Director of PT Pelindo Jasa Maritim Arief Prabowo.
The cooperation covers various strategic operational aspects, including increasing the reliability of pilotage facilities, optimizing the number and skills of human resources in the field of pilotage, and improving ship services in various conditions, including emergency situations and incidents.