Jakarta - Bottled drinking water producer Danone Indonesia is committed to strengthening the plastic waste management ecosystem in Java and Bali as an effort to overcome the waste problem in the country.
Senior Public Affairs and Sustainability Director of Danone Indonesia, Karyanto Wibowo said, since 2018, his party has been committed to building a circular economic model and being part of the solution to the waste problem in Indonesia.
"We have implemented various #BijakBerplastik initiatives in Indonesia, including the Java and Bali regions," Karyanto said in his statement in Jakarta, Thursday.
On Java Island, AQUA together with Danone Ecosystem and Veolia Services Indonesia, implemented by the Yayasan Pembangunan Citra Insan Indonesia (YPCII), developed the Inclusive Recycling Indonesia (IRI) program to create a second life cycle for plastic bottles after drinking.