Bogor Regency - The Trade and Industry Service of Bogor Regency, West Java, held three cheap market operations until Eid al-Fitr 1446 Hijri to stabilize the prices of basic necessities.
"We plan to conduct market operations the following week at Cileungsi Market and then Cigombong Market," said Head of the Bogor Trade and Industry Service Arif Rahman during the implementation of cheap market operations at Cibinong Market, Tuesday.
The market operation in collaboration with Perumda Pasar Tohaga sells two commodities at below market prices, namely Minya Kita and Stabilization of Food Supply and Prices rice.
In this market operation, Minya Kita is sold at a price of Rp14,700 per liter below the highest retail price of Rp15,700 per liter and below the market price which has now reached Rp18,000 per liter.
Then, SPHP rice is sold at a price of IDR 60 thousand per 5 kilograms or below the market price which is still above IDR 70 thousand per 5 kilograms.
"So the products we sell today are still priced below market prices," explained Arif Rahman.
Previously, Bogor Regent Rudy Susmanto said that this market operation was also to overcome the scarcity of people's oil, namely Miny aKita in several markets in Bogor Regency.
"Although the price is stated at Rp. 18,000, the problem is that the item is not available, several shops do not have the item," said Rudy.
He said that this cheap market operation is one of the efforts of the Bogor Regency Government to maintain the stability of basic necessities prices ahead of Eid al-Fitr 1446 Hijriah.