Bappenas believes Indonesia can escape the "middle income trap

Bappenas believes Indonesia can escape the "middle income trap

Jakarta - Minister of National Development Planning Head of the National Development Planning Agency Rachmat Pambudy believes that Indonesia can escape the middle income trap .

For more than 20 years, Indonesia's economic growth has been around 5 percent. If this condition continues, then the next 20 years the situation faced will remain similar.

"If we together (with the DPR) can overcome it, there is hope to get out (of) the middle income trap . There is no reason for a country like Indonesia to be trapped in the middle income trap . That there is a way, let's find a way together. I also don't want this to be like a utopia, like a direction that has no way, because all of this has a way," said Rachmat, in a Working Meeting with Commission XI of the Indonesian House of Representatives, in Jakarta, Tuesday.

Currently, the Indonesian nation is said to be facing complex challenges. Starting from poverty, malnutrition, food insecurity, to high levels of inequality.

Based on Bappenas records, 180 million Indonesians are malnourished, one third of young children are stunted, Indonesia's PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) score is only slightly above Timor Leste, the prevalence of TB (Tuberculosis) is up to one million people, TB deaths are 100 thousand people per year, up to 50 thousand babies are born with birth defects every year.

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