Bank Indonesia and BCA retirees help NTT residents access clean water

Bank Indonesia and BCA retirees help NTT residents access clean water

Jakarta - The Indonesian Bank Pensioners Association in collaboration with PT Bank Central Asia Tbk is building a drilled well facility to provide access to clean water for the people of Noelbaki Village, Central Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara .

The village's location close to the sea causes the water in the local area to be dirty and taste salty, so residents have to buy clean water for Rp. 70 thousand to Rp. 80 thousand per tank at least once a week.

"We appreciate the collaboration with BCA, because initiatives like this show how synergy between various parties can provide a sustainable positive impact on society," said PPBI Deputy Chairman Arief Budi Santoso in his statement in Jakarta, Wednesday.

He said that the clean water access facilities were provided to ease the burden and improve the quality of health of the local community.

He also hopes that this collaboration can improve the welfare of the people of Noelbaki Village, both in terms of health, economy, and overall quality of life.

BCA Commissioner Cyrillus Harinowo stated that access to clean water is a basic need that should be felt easily and affordably by every individual.

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