Uncontrolled hypertension can trigger the appearance of aneurysms

Uncontrolled hypertension can trigger the appearance of aneurysms


Jakarta - Neurologist and graduate of Sam Ratulangi University, Dr. Jeffry Foraldy Haryanto, Sp.N said that hypertension could be one of the risks of aneurysm .

According to Jeffry, someone who has hypertension for a long time and is not controlled can cause the walls of blood vessels to weaken, this is usually experienced by those who are elderly.

"Even though he did not have an aneurysm , but because he had uncontrolled hypertension for a long time, his age was getting older and his body condition was declining, the walls of his blood vessels were starting to weaken. When his blood pressure was not controlled, an aneurysm could appear ," said dr. Jeffry Foraldy Haryanto, Sp.N, in an exclusive interview with ANTARA in Tangerang, Banten, Thursday (6/2).

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