Moral preparation before marriage to avoid ghosting and domestic violence

Moral preparation before marriage to avoid ghosting and domestic violence

Jakarta - Professor of the Faculty of Psychology, University of Indonesia, Prof. Dr. Rose Mini Agoes Salim M.Psi said that it is necessary to prepare morals before getting married so that the household is harmonious and there is no ghosting or Domestic Violence (KDRT).

"Humans have morals, they can actually differentiate between good and bad. It turns out that God gave that to humans, but it was not properly stimulated," said the psychologist known as Romi to ANTARA, Tuesday.

He said that morals need to be trained as a whole, starting from training empathy, the ability to understand others, self-control and training conscience and awareness.

People who do not have self-control will also lack self-confidence so they cannot express their feelings and also have minimal empathy for their partners, he said.

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