Ministry of PANRB accompanies 8 public service innovations towards UNPSA 2026

Ministry of PANRB accompanies 8 public service innovations towards UNPSA 2026

Jakarta - The Ministry of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform (PANRB) is providing assistance to eight innovations from ministries, institutions, and regional governments that were selected as the best practices in Indonesia to participate in the 2026 United Nations Public Service Awards (UNPSA).

Based on a press release received in Jakarta, Wednesday, Indonesia's participation in UNPSA is an effort to show that Indonesia's public services deserve world-class appreciation.

Deputy for Public Service of the Ministry of PANRB Otok Kuswandaru emphasized that a strategy and thorough preparation are needed to be able to win the award. In addition, innovators need to create a strong innovation narrative in order to meet the criteria of the United Nations (UN).

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