Minister of ATR denies that Aguan's sea fence certificate has not been revoked

Minister of ATR denies that Aguan's sea fence certificate has not been revoked

Jakarta - Minister of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/Head of the National Land Agency (ATR/BPN) Nusron Wahid denied that the SHGB in the sea fence area owned by Aguan had not been revoked.

"Now the news on various online sites states that I canceled the revocation of Mr. Aguan's SHGB on the edge of Tangerang Beach. I say the news is not true," said Nusron in Jakarta, Sunday.

Regarding the issue that has developed around land certificates, especially Building Use Rights (HGB) in the Pagar Laut area of ​​Tangerang Regency, he emphasized that all certificates outside the coastline will be canceled. This has no relevance regarding who owns the certificate.

Since the beginning of the sea fence polemic that emerged in the community, Minister Nusron clearly and consistently stated that there were 263 SHGB and 17 Land Ownership Certificates (SHM) with a total of 280 certificates.

It is known that of the 280 certificates, there are 58 certificates within the coastline and 222 certificates outside the coastline.

"The policy is that everything outside the coastline, everything is canceled. And so far 209 certificates have been canceled," Nusron said.

Furthermore, he explained that there are still 13 other SHGB certificates, which are in the process of being reviewed. The review was carried out because the area in it contains a plot that is half on the coastline and half outside the coastline.

In the future, Nusron is committed to continuing to oversee the resolution of the sea fence problem, in accordance with applicable policies.

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