KemenPANRB admits to implementing flexible work since COVID-19

KemenPANRB admits to implementing flexible work since COVID-19

Jakarta - The Ministry of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform (PANRB) admitted that it has implemented flexible work arrangements (FWA) since the COVID-19 pandemic hit the country.

This is in response to the policies of several ministries and institutions that will implement a work from anywhere (WFA) system to save budget.

"The Ministry of PANRB has implemented a policy of flexibility in working internally after the COVID-19 pandemic, both in the form of location flexibility and time flexibility," said Head of the Bureau of Data, Communication and Public Information of the Ministry of PANRB, Mohammad Avverouce when contacted in Jakarta, Saturday.

On location flexibility, he detailed the flexibility arrangements in carrying out tasks imposed by the Ministry of PANRB in the form of employees in the Ministry of PANRB work units being able to work from home with a maximum limit of 30 percent of the total employees in the work unit.

Regarding time flexibility, he continued, KemenPANRB employees can start working until 09.00 WIB with the obligation to replace working hours proportionally when returning from work, a maximum of eight times a month.

"This is adjusted to the needs," he said.

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