Get to know vaccination and its benefits for body health

Get to know vaccination and its benefits for body health


Jakarta - Vaccination is one of the important steps to prevent the spread of infectious diseases. This process is done by building immunity to certain diseases, while providing indirect protection for people around who cannot receive vaccines.

Vaccination is not only for children, but also important for adults. As you get older, your risk of contracting infectious diseases increases.

Many cases of serious illnesses are experienced by adults and the elderly, requiring intensive care in hospital, even though these diseases can actually be prevented through vaccination.

By getting vaccinated, you can protect yourself, reduce your chances of getting the disease, and prevent serious complications that can lead to many fatalities.

However, until now, the viruses and bacteria that cause these diseases can still live around us. Without the protection of vaccines, you are still at risk of infection, especially if your immune system is weak.

So, what is the role and benefits of vaccination for the body? Here is an explanation summarized from various health sources.

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