The correct way to charge your phone to preserve battery life

The correct way to charge your phone to preserve battery life

Charging your phone properly seems easy and uncomplicated, all you need to do is monitor the battery charge and, when necessary, connect it to the electrical network.

Expert Ilya Kazakov points out that maintaining battery power for a long time is a complex matter. This is an important issue, so the established rules must be followed.

According to him, one of the controversial issues is the level of charge of the phone's battery. Of course, many people think that it is wrong to disconnect the phone before the battery is 100 percent charged, but this is an illusion.
He says: "Recent studies have shown that a smartphone battery can withstand an average of 850 full charge and discharge cycles before its capacity drops to less than 80 percent. That is, after 2-3 years of use, only 80 percent of the original battery capacity remains. In this case, the battery loses its charge quickly. Since the battery capacity is limited, it should be avoided to charge it full cycles (0 percent to 100 percent) in order to maximize its lifespan. Samsung has announced that charging the battery to 100 percent often negatively affects its overall lifespan, and the same applies to iPhones.

Therefore, the expert recommends charging the smartphone battery to 80 percent, and not allowing the charge level to drop below 20 percent.

According to him, charging the battery of most new generation smartphones takes between 30 minutes and two hours, and this time depends on the battery capacity and the power of the charging device. He advises against charging the phone at night because it accelerates the "aging" of the battery.


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