Amazing footage combining two of the world's most powerful natural phenomena

Amazing footage combining two of the world's most powerful natural phenomena

Stunning footage has revealed an unlikely coincidence of two of the world's most powerful natural phenomena.

Unique footage captures the Northern Lights glowing over an Icelandic volcano, as lava flows from its summit.

A time-lapse video captured stunning scenes of clouds of fire and ash meeting the shimmering green glow in the sky.

The northern lights occur relatively frequently in the region around the North Pole where the solar wind sweeps charged particles into the air.

Volcanic eruptions are also common in Iceland, with this particular location experiencing its sixth eruption since December 2023.

The eruption is believed to have been caused by a number of earthquakes in the southwest of the island, which opened a new crack in the rock.

The clip shows liquid lava violently pouring out of the ground while smoke rises into the air.

Massive torrents of fire cascaded down the ground like waterfalls before solidifying into volcanic rocks.

Rivers of lava were flowing down the mountainside, fortunately far from any residential areas.

Meanwhile, the Northern Lights were twinkling above, giving us a stunning view with the violent explosion below.


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