The occupation says that the victims of the run-over operation were soldiers, and Hamas: A natural response to the genocide in Gaza

The occupation says that the victims of the run-over operation were soldiers, and Hamas: A natural response to the genocide in Gaza

The occupation army radio reported today, Sunday, that the four injured in the ramming operation near the city of Tel Aviv were soldiers, while the Hamas movement considered the operation a "natural response" to the "brutal war of extermination" in Gaza, and "the campaigns of terror and terrorism in the West Bank and Jerusalem."

On Sunday, the Israeli Broadcasting Authority (official) said: “A speeding car hit 4 Israelis at the bus station in the city of Tzrifin, south of Tel Aviv, and the attacker was neutralized.” It explained that the four injured were soldiers, one of whom was an officer who was seriously injured.

Channel 13 reported that a Border Guard force was near the site and opened fire on the perpetrator, then later reported that "the perpetrator of the operation was from Kafr Aqab and held an Israeli identity card and was killed on the spot."

For its part, Hamas mourned, in a statement, the perpetrator of the run-over operation, “the martyr Muhammad Shihab (27 years old), son of the town of Kafr Aqab, north of occupied Jerusalem,” and considered the operation to be a “natural response” to “the brutal war of extermination and the hideous massacres in the Gaza Strip and the campaigns of terror, repression and terrorism in the occupied West Bank and Jerusalem.”


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