The most important problem facing electric cars

The most important problem facing electric cars

Electric cars have become widely popular in many countries in recent years, and despite their remarkable popularity, their owners complain about some problems they have encountered during use.

The Verge website published the results of a study conducted by JD Power, a company specializing in statistics. The company conducted studies and opinion polls in which it asked owners of electric, hybrid, and internal combustion engine cars about the problems they faced during the period of using their vehicles.

The company's statistics showed that electric cars were the most vulnerable to problems, as most of the problems were related to their software systems, and these problems affected the operation of their electronic components. The statistics also indicated that hybrid cars came in second place in terms of malfunctions, and the least vulnerable to malfunctions were cars that operate with internal combustion engines.

Frank Hanley, an expert at JD Power, pointed out that statistics show that electric and hybrid cars are exposed to critical failures approximately three times more than cars that operate with internal combustion engines, and repairing problems for electric and hybrid cars is more complicated. In the event of any problem, the car must be taken to the dealer, which uses technical experts.


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