The most dangerous foods for teeth

The most dangerous foods for teeth

Russian nutritionist Dr. Alexei Kabanov said that sugar, citrus fruits and nuts destroy tooth enamel very quickly.

“Sugar is by far the first. In addition, sugar harms the entire body, and it is dangerous for the teeth because bacteria in the oral cavity convert it into an organic acid that causes erosion of tooth enamel,” the expert told the Russian news agency Novosti.

According to him, the second place is occupied by sour and sweet foods - citrus fruits, juices and sour fruits, so it is not recommended to drink juices in the morning on an empty stomach.

The expert points out that caution should be exercised when consuming nuts and seeds, as well as soft drinks. Tea and coffee should also not be consumed in excess, as these drinks contribute to the formation of a layer on the enamel, on which bacteria settle and multiply.


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