The effect of ice cream on the body compared to sweets

The effect of ice cream on the body compared to sweets

Nutrition experts have revealed the surprising health benefits of ice cream, especially when compared to other nutrient-free desserts.

A two-thirds cup serving of dairy ice cream is a good source of calcium, which keeps bones and muscles strong.

Some ice creams provide about 6 grams of protein per serving, depending on the brand, which is the same amount found in an egg.

The combination of protein and moderate levels of fat slows the release of sugar into the blood, preventing the sharp spike in blood glucose associated with diabetes.

Ice cream outperforms other less nutritious desserts, nutritionist Shelley Bowles tells Yahoo Life.

Nutritionist Stephanie van 't Zelveden noted that the combination of moderate fat and protein makes ice cream a good choice for diabetics.

Combining fat and protein with sugar "reduces the blood sugar spike you might see when eating low-fat desserts," she said.

At the same time, experts warn against eating ice cream in large quantities, as some types may contain high levels of sugar and fats that are dangerous to the body. It is recommended to choose healthy types based on dairy products. 

Diabetics should also be careful when eating ice cream.

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