Rule 5: Avoid the harmful effects of air conditioners in hot weather

Rule 5: Avoid the harmful effects of air conditioners in hot weather

Dr. Sergey Agapkin points out that in hot weather it is easy to get sick due to air conditioning.

The decisive factor in this problem, according to him, is the difference in temperature between the outside and the inside, so he recommends using air conditioners correctly, so as not to harm health.

The doctor points out that when adjusting the air conditioner temperature, a simple formula must be used: “-5”, meaning that five degrees must be subtracted from the highest temperature outside the house during the day, and the air conditioner temperature set according to this formula will be comfortable inside the house.

"The person will feel that the atmosphere inside the house is cooler than outside, but there is no risk of health problems. For example, if the temperature outside is 30 degrees, the air conditioner should be set to 25 degrees. If it is 25 degrees, to 20," he says.

According to him, even if the temperature outside is 40 degrees, the temperature in the room will be 35 degrees comfortable for the body. Therefore, we must realize that the large temperature difference - the sharp drop - causes the blood vessels to constrict rapidly, which leads to a decrease in the body's resistance to infection.


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