Politico publishes a report on the first step Trump will take regarding NATO, Ukraine and Georgia if he is elected president

Politico publishes a report on the first step Trump will take regarding NATO, Ukraine and Georgia if he is elected president

Politico reported that former US President Donald Trump may abandon the idea of ​​NATO expanding eastward and withdraw security guarantees for the alliance's countries if he wins the upcoming presidential election.

The newspaper quoted two national security experts who support Trump as saying: "Trump is working on an agreement under which NATO will commit not to expand eastward, especially in Ukraine and Georgia."

According to the newspaper, Trump is studying a deal that would help reach an agreement with Russian President Vladimir Putin regarding which countries will be able to join the alliance in the future.

According to the newspaper, NATO countries that spend less than 2% of their GDP on defense will be at risk of Trump withdrawing US guarantees from them if he wins the next election, even though the US "nuclear umbrella" itself and military bases will remain in Europe.

The newspaper explained that this move could be considered a violation of Article 5 of the NATO Treaty, which obliges all members of the alliance to take "necessary measures" to provide assistance to partners who have been attacked.

However, members of Trump's foreign policy "brainstorming" committee noted that the wording of Article 5 is flexible and does not obligate any member to respond with military force.

One source said Trump has not ruled out considering other plans for the future, including "supplying large amounts of weapons to Ukraine," among other things.

Last Thursday,  the first televised debate between current US President Biden and his predecessor Donald Trump took place in Atlanta, Georgia . For the first time in American history, it was held without an audience or journalists, and lasted 90 minutes. All major American television companies broadcast this event.

The two competitors from the Republican and Democratic parties expressed their opinions during the debate, which was described as historic, on all local issues in the US and the most prominent global files, including  the war in Gaza  , Ukraine  and China .


  1. It could significantly reshape US-Europe relations and provoke international debate.

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