Pentagon: Gaza floating dock to remain in Ashdod port until weather improves

Pentagon: Gaza floating dock to remain in Ashdod port until weather improves

The US Department of Defense, the Pentagon, said yesterday, Tuesday, that the floating dock for delivering humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip is still in the Israeli port of Ashdod.

Pentagon spokesman Patrick Ryder explained in a press conference that the floating dock, which was dismantled on June 28 due to bad weather conditions, is still in the Israeli port of Ashdod, adding: "We are currently monitoring the weather conditions, and we will announce the new installation date soon."

In response to a question from an Anadolu Agency correspondent, Ryder indicated that the World Food Program has begun transporting some of the aid from its drop-off site to warehouses and distribution centers. He also confirmed the formation of a coordination cell that includes humanitarian relief organizations, the Israeli occupation army, and US forces to ensure the safe distribution of aid.

Palestinians consider the floating port established by the United States off the coast of Gaza as “propaganda and political show to save face for the American administration, which is a partner with the occupation in killing, besieging and starving” the Palestinians.

Since the dock became operational on May 17, only 8,831 metric tons of humanitarian aid have been delivered to humanitarian organizations, a very small amount compared to the enormous needs.

About a week after the floating dock went into operation, it was damaged by waves and had to be dismantled and transported to Ashdod for repairs. On June 7, the US Central Command (CENTCOM) said it had repaired the structure of the Gaza floating dock and reconnected it to the Gaza Strip shore.


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