"In preparation for permanent settlement" the occupation army seizes a quarter of the Gaza Strip

"In preparation for permanent settlement" the occupation army seizes a quarter of the Gaza Strip

The Hebrew newspaper Haaretz published satellite images showing the Israeli occupation army's control over an important part of the Gaza Strip, in preparation for settlement there.

The newspaper said: "According to Haaretz's calculations, which were conducted based on an analysis of satellite images and other visual information sources, the area of ​​land controlled by the Israeli army now amounts to 26% of the Gaza Strip," since the start of the ground operation on October 27.

She pointed out that the occupation army is "expanding (military) bases, building infrastructure and even paving roads" in the lands that were seized.

The newspaper quoted an unnamed senior army officer as saying that the lands seized in the Gaza Strip were "an attempt at continued occupation."

But the newspaper said that "the military activity provides unexpected gains for supporters of renewing the settlements (in Gaza), thus preparing the conditions for creating a new reality: long-term Israeli control over the Gaza Strip."

In this context, the newspaper pointed out that "after nearly nine months of war, the deportation of hundreds of thousands of Gaza residents to the southern Gaza Strip has become permanent."

"The Israeli army created a buffer zone along the Israeli border, leveling almost all the buildings inside it, preventing Palestinians from entering it, and taking over the Philadelphi corridor and leveling many buildings there," she said.

She continued: "The Israeli army took control of the Netzarim corridor (in the central Gaza Strip) and prevented Palestinians from living there," noting that the area was teeming with life (before the army took control of it).

The newspaper added: "The Israeli army established 4 bases on the (Netzarim) corridor, the most prominent of which is in the Turkish hospital, and soldiers download countless documents from there."

She pointed out that "many videos published on social media show soldiers setting up synagogues in locations in the Gaza Strip and even calling for settlement."

She added: "There was a large settlement conference and a march towards the Gaza Strip, and Daniela Weiss (a right-wing activist) appeared in the Knesset lobby, and spoke about the settlement intention of hundreds of families who are ready to settle immediately (in Gaza), and explained how the settlement will begin from Israeli army bases."

She continued: "Activists are gathering near the fence (the border between the Gaza Strip and Israel) waiting for an opportunity to enter the Strip," noting that "no less than 12 ministers publicly support returning to Gush Katif (a settlement that was in the Gaza Strip before it was evacuated in 2005) and settling the Gaza Strip."

With full American support, Israel has been waging a devastating war on the Gaza Strip since October 7, resulting in more than 125,000 Palestinian martyrs and wounded, most of them children and women, and more than 10,000 missing, amidst massive destruction and famine that has claimed the lives of dozens of children.


  1. It's highlighting ongoing military expansion.

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