Harmful effects of eating ice cream in hot weather

Harmful effects of eating ice cream in hot weather

Dr. Pavel Berzhansky, associate professor of Sechenov Medical University, points out that in hot weather a person wants to eat cool things, such as ice cream, ice water, and the like.

“It is not recommended to eat ice cream in hot weather, because it is a fatty product, and fatty foods are difficult to digest in the heat. For example, the fat content of ice cream is 20 percent. Therefore, eating such food puts a lot of stress on the digestive system, heart and blood vessels. In addition to digesting food, it requires its absorption and distribution of nutrients to all parts of the body. Therefore, in hot weather, it is recommended to eat a small amount of ice cream or not eat it at all,” he said in an interview with aif.ru.

According to him, in hot weather it is better to drink enough water and eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, because they contain fluids, vitamins and minerals that maintain the body's salt balance, making it easier for the body to tolerate the heat. In practice, a person can eat unlimited amounts of fruits if he does not suffer from allergies or diabetes.

But why is it not recommended to drink ice water?

The doctor says: “Cold water exhausts the digestive system. The same applies to the respiratory system, because when cold enters the body, the immune system’s ability decreases a little and its work gets a little worse, so it is better to drink water at room temperature, about 25-30 degrees.”

The doctor points out that it is better in hot weather to refrain from drinking water and sweetened drinks, because they do not quench thirst, in addition to the fact that excess sugar is harmful to health.

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