Elon Musk: Our future will be decided by computers

Elon Musk: Our future will be decided by computers

American businessman and billionaire Elon Musk expressed his belief that computers themselves will determine the future of humanity, and this will remain the case in the future.

“Computers will run the future, they already do,” Musk wrote on his X social media page.

Earlier, American businessman Elon Musk said that in the future, robots and artificial intelligence will be able to provide people with any goods and services, and work will become just a hobby for humans and nothing more.

It is noteworthy that Musk has spoken many times about the threats that accompany the development of artificial intelligence technologies.

For example, last April Musk warned of the dangers of training AI to use political correctness, noting that in such a case the AI ​​might, instead of generating tolerant images, apply them and turn them into reality.

“Imagine if instead of just forcibly showing ‘diverse’ images, he decided to make it a reality, potentially killing millions of people to achieve diversity goals,” he said.


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