Doctor: Collagen benefits are a 'marketing gimmick'

Doctor: Collagen benefits are a 'marketing gimmick'

Dr. Alexander Myasnikov points out that collagen is a structural protein responsible in the human body for skin elasticity, joint health and bone strength.

According to him, collagen production in the body decreases with age, so many people resort to taking special nutritional supplements sold in various markets.

But should we trust producers who convince consumers of the undoubted benefits of their products?

According to him, all this is just a marketing trick, because the body's absorption of collagen is very weak, so after taking these supplements it does not stay long in the body.

Myasnikov points out that nutrients are found in ordinary foods: meat, fish, vegetables, fruits, cereals, legumes. If a person maintains the required balance in his diet, he will get all the necessary nutrients in the required quantity with food, and the excess is eliminated from the body.

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