Did the local people of the Tarim Valley become Chinese? : RFA

Did the local people of the Tarim Valley become Chinese?

Understanding Voice over
For the past three weeks, one of the hot topics on Chinese radio, television and media has been the international scientific forum held in Kashgar on June 12. It is more appropriate to call the event "History and Future of Xinjiang" a theater play called "History Making Party" than a "seminar". Scripted by the Chinese government, the play stars loyal Chinese government officials, specially trained historians, linguists, and cultural scholars, as well as their foreign gossips. Location: "Kashgar Alim Hotel" in Kashgar, one of the fastest cities of Uighurs.

 In this conference, Chinese historians once again tried to force the world community to accept that the Uyghur region has always been a part of China. Their goal was to convince the people, not the scientific field, that the Uyghurs were immigrants who moved to the Tarim Valley after 840.

Among the 39 "chosen" from China and abroad who played the role of "experts" in this political game called the meeting, 2 Chinese researchers who played the leading role were particularly prominent, namely Yang Shengmin, an expert on ancient Uighur history at the Central National University, and a professor of ancient Uyghur language at Xinjiang University. New Rouge. Although the research fields of these two are different, both of them have been engaged as teachers for many years in brainwashing the Uyghur youth and observing their national feelings. This time, Yang Shengmin asked, "Who were the local people of Tarim Valley?" gave a report on the topic "History of Xinjiang's Past Period". Speaking about Uighurs in his report, he said, "Today's anthropological research on Uighurs shows that Uighurs originated from Huihe (回紇). They moved from the Mongolian grasslands to the Tarim River valley in about 840 and mixed with other ethnic groups living there to form today's Uyghurs. In his speech about the Chinese, "Before the 9th century, the peoples living in the Tarim Basin consisted of the ``Gyrs'' who spoke the Indo-European language system, the Chiangs who spoke the Tibeto-Chiang language, and the Chinese. "The Tarim Basin has always been a place where many ethnic groups, including the Chinese, have lived together," he said.

Who are Uyghurs and Turks? What was their relationship with the Huns? Are they really immigrants from the Uyghur region? How do historical sources answer Chinese historians like Yang Shengmin? Isn't his saying that the Uyghurs are immigrants and the Chinese are the local people "a cat chasing a domestic cat"?

Yang Shengmin's report can be said to be the summation of his life-long sales pitches. He published in 1991 and used it as a course at the University of Nationalities in his book "Ancient Uyghurs". The Turas had a very close relationship with the Huaxia people. So some wrote that the ancestors of the Uighurs and the Huaxias are the same. He describes the Turks and the Huns as eternal rivals with no ethnic ties to each other. When he wrote about the Uyghur tribes in history, he continued his old practice and said that "the ten Uyghur and nine isolated tribes of the Tura lived in conflict with the Turkic tribes in the north of the great desert in Siberia, and had close relations with the central plains." In his articles and books, he hides his Turkish-Uyghur brotherhood, that both are descendants of the Huns. Considering the Huns and Turks as the nations that oppressed the Uyghurs, he tries to raise doubts among those who read his book that the ancestors of the Turks and the Uyghurs are not the same. He uses this conspiracy as a means of discrediting the myth that the Uyghurs were a migrant nation that moved to the present-day Uyghur land in 840 AD.

Yang Shengmin wrote in the beginning of his book: "The ethnic origin of the ancient Uyghurs lies in the Northern Di (狄). Northern Dilar is one of several ancient ethnic groups that lived in our country first. 2,000 years ago, they were active in the northwest region of China and were neighboring with separate tribes of the Huaxia people. Wasn't Dilar, the present-day Uyghur land he mentioned here, one of the ancestors of the Uyghurs? ! Yang Shengmin's argument used here to distinguish between Turkish and Uyghur ancestors reveals the fact that Uyghur lived in their present homeland 4,000 years ago.

If we examine the information in the oldest Chinese historical materials, we can see that the term "western country" is not even found in Chinese annals before the famous Chinese spy Zhang Qian came under the rule of the Huns. This term is not even found in Zhang Qian's travelogue, which is placed in the 123rd chapter of the historian Simachian's book. This term, which appears 3 times in the "Historical Records" book, the first two times indicated the name of the country, whose inhabitants are Ulu Yaochi, Chiang and other ethnic groups, and whose rulers are Huns, located in the south of the present-day Uighur region under the Huns. In the 3rd time, this country was used for a large area including the scattered lands of the Sogdis living under the rule of the Huns.

If we look at the statements about the 36 countries in the western region in the book "Hannameh" completed by the Chinese historian Bangu in 89 AD, we see that there are no records of Chinese residents living in any of those countries. In 630, Xuanzang lived as a monk in the Uyghur land for almost a year and wrote down what he saw in detail. In his biography, it is written that he cried when he saw two compatriots in Hamul, but it is not written that he saw another Chinese in Turpan, Karamanhar and Kucha. Isn't it proof that there are no Chinese there? !

One of the famous Chinese historical records, "Yeni Tangnameche" section "Uygurlar Tazkirsi" begins with the sentence "Uighurs are the ancestors of the Huns". Modern Chinese historians insult their own ancestors, who admit that the Uighurs are the Huns, and write, "They were wrong." But it avoids answering why such mistakes were repeated by others. Are Chinese historical sources, such as the "History of the Old Five Dynasties" written in 907, the "General Discussion of the Classics" written in 1307, and even the "Continuation of the General Commentaries" completed in 1783, all misspellings?

According to the famous historical sources of China, "Hons" in section 110 of "Historical Records" and section 94 of "Khannameh", "Around the 11th century BC, there was a herding nation called the Huns in the north of our country. They sometimes called themselves ``Hu.'' Chinese chronicles written in different eras give very different accounts of who Hu is. Originally applied to the Huns, the term was later applied to the Indo-European "Sogdians". By the 630s, as recorded by the monk Xuanzang, who traveled to India through the Uyghur lands at the time, "Hu" was used as a name for ethnic groups other than the Chinese.

The Uyghurs, who knew that the Huns were their ancestors, knew very well that they were Turks. Therefore, during the period of the Uyghur dynasty, there was little difference between the name of the nation as Uyghur or Turk. They called their language "Turkish", "Uyghur", "Uyghur language", "Turkic language" or "Turkish Uyghur language". The famous Uyghur translator Shengu Sheli Tutung, who lived in the early 11th century, translated the Chinese phrase Xiongnu (Hsiongnu) as "Turkish Yochul Bodun" in the 7th century book "The Biography of Xuan Zang".

Although modern Chinese historians try to deny the kinship relationship between the Uyghurs and the Huns in order to obey the Chinese government's orders, they cannot deny that the Nine Uyghts are Uyghurs. Because this historical truth is recorded in Chinese historical sources as well as in Persian and Arabic sources in the past. For example, in the book "Hududul Vasan" written in 932, "the Nine-Yuget country is inhabited by Chin, southern Tibet and parts of Karguk, and in the west by Kyrgyz, and the Kyrgyz are widely spread in the north." Nine single states are the largest of the Turkic states. It was the country with the largest population of nine singletons ever. In the old days, all Turkistan rulers were from the Nine Oyts.

The Chinese authorities' lies that the Uyghurs are the people who migrated, that the Chinese are the original inhabitants of the Tarim Valley, that the Chinese have lived here since the Han Dynasty, and that the Chinese language has been the official language are even found in the Chinese government's "History of Xinjiang" white stone book. They tried to turn their judgments into politics.

The Chinese government's strategy of distorting real history and forcing other nations to believe in artificial history is an absurdity that began in the Tang Dynasty and continues to this day. It is a fact that the Tarim Valley is the homeland of the Huns, who are the ancestors of the Uyghurs. Attempting to deny this truth, which Chinese historical sources cannot deny, is nothing more than Chinese politics abusing science, distorting real history, and turning the historiography profession into an art of "pulling feathers out of eggs". The Tarim Valley was the homeland of the Uyghurs before 840 as described after 840.


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