Benefits and harms of yellow watermelon

Benefits and harms of yellow watermelon

Biologist Vitaly Napolov, associate professor of the Russian State University of Education, said that it is never permissible to eat watermelon with dairy products.

“Watermelon is low in calories - about 35 kcal per 100 grams, but it contains a lot of vitamin C, beta-carotene, B vitamins, PP, E. It is also rich in minerals: potassium, iron, silicon, etc. Watermelon fruits also contain antioxidants. You can eat 300-500 grams of watermelon per day, but one serving should be limited to 200 grams. There is a widespread opinion that watermelon is a “heavy” product, but it is enough to follow some rules to avoid negative reactions - it is not recommended to eat watermelon on an empty stomach, immediately before meals and immediately after eating other foods, and under no circumstances should it be consumed with dairy products,” he says.

According to him, yellow watermelon can be harmful to people with diabetes, gastrointestinal diseases when they are aggravated, allergies, as well as people who cannot tolerate it.

The scientist recommends paying attention to the rind of the watermelon when buying it, as it should not be damaged or have any damaged areas. It should also be uniform in color except for the area that was on the soil. As for the dry or soft "tail" of the watermelon, it indicates how long it has been picked and not its level of ripeness, as some believe.

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