Apricot: Benefits, Warnings, and How to Choose Ripe Fruits

Apricot: Benefits, Warnings, and How to Choose Ripe Fruits

Biologist Georgy Soslyanok, associate professor at the Russian University of Biotechnology, revealed how to choose apricots, what their benefits are, and who should avoid eating them.

The scientist, in an interview with the Russian news agency Novosti, points out that apricots are rich in vitamins and minerals such as carotenoids, vitamins C and E, biotin, as well as vitamin B complex, potassium, magnesium, and other minerals.

But according to him, people with diseases of the digestive system, liver, diabetes or who are allergic to apricots are not advised to eat them.

“When buying apricots, it is preferable to choose dense fruits with a uniform color, free of cracks and with a dry surface. As a general rule, a ripe apricot is orange in color and the presence of green spots on it indicates that the fruit is not ripe, and the presence of dark spots on it may indicate that the fruit has started to rot. When pressing the apricot gently, the shape of the fruit should not be distorted, i.e. it should be flexible,” he says.

The scientist recommends not buying apricots that are cracked or damaged, because through them germs, bacteria and even mold spores can enter the pulp.

According to him, apricots are low in calories yet help quench thirst and are nutritious, as the carotenoids in them ensure the functioning of the retina and support good vision, help strengthen the immune system, and vitamin E protects cells from damage caused by free radicals.

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