3 Common Habits That Harm Your Brain Health

3 Common Habits That Harm Your Brain Health

A neuroscientist has revealed 3 common habits that are damaging the brain, and we probably do at least one of them.

Everything we do can affect our brains, says expert Emily, who goes by her TikTok account Em On The Brain, whether it's the food we eat or the things we read or watch.

In this regard, I shared the most important things to stop doing to maintain brain health.

She posted on her TikTok account: “Number one: refrain from using my phone when I wake up in the morning. The content will have a greater impact on the brain, and spoil our dopamine (the happy hormone) for the rest of the day.”

Sleep consultant Rosie Davidson agreed with Emily, explaining that our brains are “most relaxed when we wake up.”

Emily also said that negative self-talk has a huge impact on the brain.

Although this may seem obvious, she stressed that repetitive thoughts can reinforce negative views of oneself, or even worsen conditions such as depression.

According to Alzheimer's Research UK, people who suffer from depression or anxiety are more likely to develop dementia and poor brain health.

Emily also said that our diet, which contains highly processed foods, is also harmful to brain health.

Nutritionist Helen Bell agrees, explaining that breakfast can actually be the most important meal of the day.

“In my experience, foods high in refined sugars and trans fats are particularly bad for brain health when eaten first thing in the morning,” she said. “Starting your day with such foods can lead to a rapid spike in blood sugar levels, followed by a faster crash that can make it more difficult to concentrate and think clearly.”

Bell recommends starting the day with foods rich in healthy fats, protein, and complex carbohydrates. 


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