10 pages Leaked Israeli document reveals Tel Aviv's plan to displace Gaza residents to Egypt

10 pages Leaked Israeli document reveals Tel Aviv's plan to displace Gaza residents to Egypt

A leaked document from the Israeli Ministry of Intelligence revealed Tel Aviv's plan to displace the residents of the Gaza Strip to Egypt.

The leaked document, dating back to October 2023, referred to the "forced" transfer of the residents of the Gaza Strip to Sinai, noting that this "will achieve positive and long-term strategic results."

The leaked advisory document outlined a three-stage process: “Establishing tent cities in Sinai, opening a humanitarian corridor, and building cities in North Sinai, and not allowing residents to return to activity or reside near the Israeli border.”

The document explained that Gila Gamaliel, the Israeli Minister of Intelligence, is the one who strongly supports the forced displacement plan and recommended transferring the residents of Gaza to Sinai at the end of the war.

The official document of the Ministry of Intelligence recommends to the security apparatus to implement a complete transfer of all residents of the Gaza Strip to North Sinai as the preferred option among the three alternatives it is proposing regarding the future of the Palestinians in the Strip.

The document recommends that Israel move to "evacuate the residents of Gaza to Sinai" during the war, and at the same time the countries of the world, led by the United States, must be mobilized to implement this step.

The ten-page document is dated October 13 and contains the logo of the Ministry of Intelligence.

The document also unequivocally and explicitly recommends the transfer of civilians from Gaza as the desired outcome of the war. 

The transfer plan is divided into several stages. In the first stage, the residents of Gaza must be evacuated to the south, while the air force strikes will focus on the northern part of the Strip. In the second stage, the ground entry into Gaza will begin, which will lead to the occupation of the entire Strip from north to south, and the purging of underground hideouts of Hamas fighters.

Simultaneously with the occupation of the Strip, the citizens of Gaza will move to Egyptian territory and leave the Strip, and they will not be allowed to return to it permanently.

The document stated, "It is important to leave the corridors to the south usable to allow the evacuation of the civilian population towards Rafah."

An official in the Ministry of Intelligence confirmed that the document is authentic and was distributed to the security apparatus on behalf of the Ministry’s Policy Division and was not supposed to reach the media, but the Calcalist website was able to obtain it and publish its contents .

According to an official in the Ministry of Intelligence, the ministry's employees are behind these recommendations.

The source stressed that the ministry's studies "are not based on military intelligence" and are used only as a basis for discussions within the government.

In the document, he proposes promoting a campaign dedicated to the citizens of Gaza that would “motivate them to agree to the plan” and make them give up their lands, explaining that the messages should focus on the loss of land, i.e. making it clear that there is no longer any hope of returning to the lands that Israel will occupy in the near future.

The document stated: "God has made sure that you will lose this land because of the Hamas leadership - and the only option is to move to another place with the help of your Muslim brothers."

In addition, it is written that the government should lead a public campaign that would promote the transfer program in the Western world "in a way that does not incite against Israel and denigrate it," in which the transfer of the population from Gaza would be presented as a humanitarian necessity that would gain international support because it would result in "fewer casualties among the civilian population than the expected number of casualties and what remains."

The document also states that the United States should be mobilized in this step so that it can pressure Egypt to absorb the residents of Gaza, and mobilize other European countries, especially Greece, Spain and Canada, to help absorb and settle the residents of Gaza.

The Intelligence Ministry said the document was not distributed through the ministry to American officials, but only to the Israeli government and security services.

The Intelligence Ministry document was first leaked in a small internal WhatsApp group of right-wing activists promoting the re-establishment of Israel.

According to one of these activists, the document from the Ministry of Intelligence reached them through the mediation of “a Likud member.”

Regarding this difficulty, the document states that Egypt will have an “obligation under international law to allow the passage of the population,” and that the United States could contribute to this step by applying “pressure on Egypt, Turkey, Qatar, and Saudi Arabia,” while the UAE contributes to the initiative either with resources or by receiving the displaced.

In the document, he proposes launching a campaign directed at the Arab world, countries such as Saudi Arabia, Morocco, Libya and Tunisia.

Finally, the document stated that the “mass migration” of populations from combat zones was a “natural and necessary consequence.”

"The most dangerous alternative"

The document presents two other alternatives regarding the citizens of Gaza on the day after the war: the first is to import the rule of the Palestinian Authority to Gaza, and the second is to develop another local Arab rule as an alternative to Hamas.

He claims that both alternatives are strategically and security undesirable for Israel, and would not provide a sufficient deterrent message, especially to Hezbollah in Lebanon, in response to the October 7 attack.

The study's authors claimed that bringing the Palestinian Authority into Gaza was the "most dangerous alternative" of the three, because it could "lead to the establishment of a Palestinian state."

Remember that the division among the Palestinian population is one of the main obstacles today to the establishment of a Palestinian state and it is not possible that the result of this October 7 attack will be an unprecedented victory for the Palestinian national movement and pave the way for the establishment of a Palestinian state.”

The document claims that the model of Israeli military rule and Palestinian Authority civil rule as it exists in the West Bank is expected to fail in Gaza, as there is no way to maintain an effective military occupation in Gaza except on the basis of a military presence and without settlements, and in a short time there will be an internal and international Israeli demand for withdrawal.

The document's authors added that in such a situation Israel would be considered a colonial power with an occupying army but worse than that to rule there today.

The final alternative, which is the formation of a local Arab leadership to replace Hamas, is undesirable according to what is written in the document, because there are no local opposition movements to Hamas, and the new leadership may be more extreme. The likely scenario is not an ideological change in perception, but rather the creation of new and perhaps more extreme Islamic movements, as the document says regarding this alternative.

Finally, it is claimed that if the Gazans remain in the Strip, there will be many deaths during the expected occupation of Gaza, and this will harm Israel's international image even more than the deportation of the population. For all these reasons, the Intelligence Ministry recommends encouraging the permanent transfer of all citizens from Gaza to Sinai.


  1. It's raising significant ethical and geopolitical concerns.

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