“You will find Sinai again in our hands.” An Egyptian expert recalls Begin’s warnings about “Greater Israel” : Nasser Hatem

“You will find Sinai again in our hands.” An Egyptian expert recalls Begin’s warnings about “Greater Israel” : Nasser Hatem

The researcher and political analyst specializing in Israeli affairs, Muhammad Seif al-Dawla, commented on the appearance of the Greater Israel slogan on the military uniform of an Israeli soldier.

He added in statements to RT, "The dream of a Greater Israel from the Nile to the Euphrates still haunts the leaders of the Israeli occupation, even though the Palestinian resistance has shattered those illusions. This is the most famous goal or slogan in the Zionist project." 

The Egyptian expert continued that this slogan "was one of the basic lessons in the Arab educational curricula to raise awareness, educate and warn Arab youth of the danger of Israel and that it does not only target Palestine but rather targets the entire Arab nation."

He added: “But since the peace and normalization agreements with Israel began in the 1970s, these national directives have disappeared from the majority of educational curricula and Arab media platforms, and there are those who disdain the repetition of such warnings, which they consider to be exaggerations that are impossible to verify, but in reality they are not exaggerations, but rather they are still Constants in the Zionist belief, which, according to the Egyptian expert, are not limited to being mere Zionist ideas or dreams, but rather they have actual applications and publications on the ground.”

He added, explaining: “Including, for example, is that Israel, after the decline in Egypt’s role and after the invasion of Iraq, has become the greatest regional power in the region, including the decision of the American Congress to keep it militarily superior to the Arab countries combined, including that all Arab lands are in the Ring States, such as Sinai, southern Lebanon, and the Golan, Either occupied or with restricted forces and weapons, including what Menachem Begin said in 1979 to justify his withdrawal from Sinai, that Sinai needs 3 million Jewish settlers who are not present today in Israel, but when they are present, you will find them again in our hands.

The Egyptian expert continued: “What Avi Dichter said in 2008 is that Egypt’s withdrawal from peace is a red line and that they withdrew from Sinai with American guarantees to return to it if the regime in Egypt changed to the disadvantage of Israel, and among them is what Peres said at the Rabat Economic Conference when he said, ‘You have tried Egypt’s leadership 40. "One year, it is time for you to try to lead Israel as an alternative to Egypt."

He noted that they are all examples indicating that “Greater Israel’s goal of seizing all Arab lands from the Nile to the Euphrates was achieved in other years not by seizing the lands, but by imposing Israeli hegemony and influence over the entire region, not only from the Nile to the Euphrates, but from the ocean to the Gulf.” ".

The Egyptian expert stressed that they are “real constants and goals of the Zionist state, but what the Palestinian resistance did and is doing for eight months, by breaking the bones of the Israeli army, confirms the extent of the inconsistency of such Zionist illusions, the extent of the fragility and weakness of this entity, and the inevitability of its demise when the peoples confront it before the regimes and governments and in The heart of it is armed resistance.”


  1. It highlights the fragility of such ambitions.

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