United States : Discovery of a new type of corneal dinosaur

United States : Discovery of a new type of corneal dinosaur

The information office of Colorado State University indicates that paleontologists have discovered in Montana the remains of a previously unknown type of corneal dinosaur with asymmetric horns and large protrusions.

Joseph Sertic, a researcher at the university, says: “The discovery of this type of ceratopsid (facial horns) has expanded our perceptions of the unusual protrusions that grew on the heads of these ancient animals. Especially since the Lokiceratops rangiformis that we discovered had very large protrusions (horns), which were playing "The same role is played by the decoration on birds' feathers, which helped them attract breeding partners."

Paleontologists have found this dinosaur, which lived 78 million years ago, in deposits dating back to the end of the Cretaceous period, during which time new types of hornworts appeared and spread, which are dinosaurs with large horns that possessed a specialized chewing apparatus for eating plants effectively, in addition to a group of Very diverse horns and bone collars.

According to scientists, the length of this dinosaur was 6.7 meters, and its weight was about 5 tons, that is, it was one of the largest megafacials and the largest representative of centrosaurs. They gave it the compound name Lokiceratops rangiformis in honor of the god Loki from Scandinavian and reindeer mythology, because its asymmetric horns resemble those of a reindeer.


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