Uncovering unknown benefits of peaches

Uncovering unknown benefits of peaches

Dr. Yelena Tikhomirva, a nutrition expert, points out that peaches, in addition to being a delicious fruit, have many benefits.

In an interview with Gazeta.Ru, she indicated that peaches contain substances that have a positive effect on health and appearance, because they are, above all, a source of dietary fiber, as 100 grams of them contain 3 grams.

She says: “As is known, fiber is an absorbent substance in the intestines. It absorbs everything that is useful and removes unnecessary things. Fiber is not digested, so it is ideal for those who want to get rid of excess weight, and it forms stool well. That is, it prevents constipation. In addition to “Fiber provides food for beneficial bacteria in the large intestine.”

100 grams of peaches contain a third of the body’s daily need for chromium and silicon. Silicon is a mineral that is very necessary for the synthesis of connective tissue and collagen, which positively affects the skin, hair, teeth, nails and joints. Therefore, it can be said that silicon is a mineral responsible for the beauty and durability of bones.

She adds: "As for chromium, it is a mineral necessary for the proper metabolism of carbohydrates. Therefore, when it is deficient in the body, the person overeats."

According to her, however, peaches should not be eaten in excess because, like any fruit, they are a source of carbohydrates. 100g of it contains about 10g of carbohydrates.

She says: “Therefore, if a person cares about his appearance and fitness, he should not eat more than 200-400 grams, and this, of course, depends on his level of activity.”


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