The Mufti of Dagestan reveals the goals of the perpetrators of the Makhachkala and Derbent attacks today

The Mufti of Dagestan reveals the goals of the perpetrators of the Makhachkala and Derbent attacks today

The Mufti of Dagestan, Ahmed Abdullah, said on Sunday that the state of emergency in Makhachkala and Derbent is to ward off extremists' attempts to incite Dagestanis against each other and burn bridges between religions, but they will not succeed.

 The Mufti of the Republic, Ahmed Abdullah, wrote on the Telegram channel: “These attacks occurred during the days of church services and before that in other churches in the Caucasus. The extremist radicals want to incite us and turn us against each other in every possible way with the aim of burning bridges between religions, and we confirm that they will not succeed in doing so.” ".

He added that Dagestan has faithfully preserved the traditions of peace since ancient times, as it has never and will not happen that Muslims attack representatives and adherents of other religions.

He continued: "Our country is now undergoing a special military operation, and any such attempt is a result of our enemies' thirst to provoke war using any dishonest methods, and we Muslims will preserve peace in Russia and the Caucasus in all possible ways."

Abdullah also called for maintaining calm and praying for fair retribution and the restoration of justice.

The National Anti-Terrorism Committee in Russia announced earlier today, Sunday, the killing of a priest from the Russian Orthodox Church and police officers in attacks launched by unknown assailants on places of worship and a traffic police station in Dagestan.

The President of the Republic of Dagestan, Sergei Melikov, said that an operational headquarters had been established after the shooting incident in Derbent and Makhachkala, in which police officers were injured.


  1. It highlights the region's resilience and unity against attempts to incite religious discord.

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