The head of the military council and his wife were shot dead in Mahlaing

The head of the military council and his wife were shot dead in Mahlaing

Mandalay Division Residents said that the village chief and his wife were shot dead by the People's Defense Forces (PDF) in Mahlaing Township on June 15.

The head of the village, Ko Sein Myint Aung and his wife, Matin San, were riding a motorbike towards Kyaukdung village when the PDF stopped them to check, but they did not stop and tried to run away, he said.

A local resident, who asked not to be named for security reasons, told RFA that the head of the house was actively helping recruit recruits for the military council's conscription law.

"Listing names for the army, Doing vote rigging. And now I find PDFs and run in terror."

Locals said the two died on the spot when they were shot.

The defense teams have not released any news about this shooting.

RFA reached out to U Thein Htay, Minister of Economy, who is the Spokesperson of the Mandalay Division of the Local Defense Forces and the Military Council, to find out more about this matter, but he did not receive a response.

According to a list compiled by RFA, 83 district administrators helping recruits across the country have been killed since the conscription law was announced until June 15.


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