The dangers of drinking hot drinks in hot weather

The dangers of drinking hot drinks in hot weather
Dr. Irina Lyalina, a biologist at the Faculty of Natural Sciences at the Russian University of Education, revealed the dangers of drinking hot drinks in hot weather.

The doctor says: “Hot drinks can temporarily raise the body’s internal temperature, which increases pressure on the body, which is already struggling with an increase in its temperature due to the high temperature of the surrounding environment. Hot drinks can also increase pressure on the body, especially on the heart and blood vessels.” This may pose a risk to people who suffer from cardiovascular disease or are at increased risk of developing it. Coffee, for example, due to its diuretic effect, can increase fluid loss, which is especially dangerous in hot weather because it can lead to dehydration. In addition, drinking hot drinks stimulates the production of heat in the body, which may make a person more sensitive to heat.

The expert advises drinking cold drinks in hot weather or room temperature drinks and maintaining the fluid level in the body.


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