The 950th anniversary of Mahmud Kashigi's "Divan Lughat-Tit Turk" was recorded in Almuta : RFA

The 950th anniversary of Mahmud Kashigi's "Divan Lughat-Tit Turk" was recorded in Almuta : RFA

On June 22, an international symposium was held in Almuta, Kazakhstan, titled "950 years since the writing of Mahmud Kashigi's Divan Lughat-Tit Turk - Its Modern Significance". This event was the result of UNESCO's decision last year to hold activities to commemorate the 950th anniversary of Mahmud Kashghi's Diwan Lughat-Tit Turk in 2024-2025.

In this regard, news is being published in the mass media of the world. One of them is an article titled "Scientists from Bimkek discuss the importance of Mahmud Kashigi's Turkish Chronicle" broadcast on Kazakhstan's "24" news program.

It says: "Scientists from Turkic countries have gathered for a symposium in Bimekta to discuss the importance of an encyclopedia of ancient languages. "Divan Lughat-Tit Turk" is the first dictionary of Turkish languages ​​in that history. Due to the large number of words and terms mentioned in the book, scholars call this scientific work an encyclopedic dictionary of the Turkish language. According to the article, the president of the Turkish Academy, Shahin Mustafayev, said: "It is important for us not only as a historical monument, but also for the cultural, linguistic and linguistic integration of our peoples. It is important for our future and for the education of our youth, because this monument shows how rich and important the Turkish language is."

The online symposium in Almaty was organized by the Scientific, Educational and Literary Councils of the Uyghur Ethno-Cultural Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as the Kazakhstan Uyghur Youth Union. Well-known scientists from Turkey, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan and other countries, representatives of social organizations, experts in the field of education, writers and others participated in it.

The symposium was chaired by Masimjan Velamov, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Academician, and Chairman of the Council of Scientists.

Shakhimardan Nurumov, a member of the National Congress under the President of Kazakhstan, member of the Council of the People's Union of Kazakhstan, president of the Republican Uyghur Ethno-Cultural Center, Wagtai Abdulkhelil, editor-in-chief of "Uighur Voice" newspaper, Ershat Asmetov, a member of the People's Union of Kazakhstan, and others spoke about the world of Mahmud Kashi's work. It is important to emphasize that scientists are working hard to study it.

At the seminar, head of Istanbul Beykent University's Turkish language and literature department, associate professor Farid Kamal "brief information about the great Turkic scholar, philosopher, philologist, historian, ethnographer, geographer Mahmud Kashgi", associate professor of Istanbul University's Faculty of Literature Rachel Kashli "worldly significance" Divan Lugat-Tit has read his articles entitled "A Brief Introduction to Turkish". Also at the meeting were the leader of the Center of Uyghur Studies under the Suleimenov Institute of Oriental Studies of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Kazakhstan, Professor Rislat Karimova, Doctor of History, "What Mahmud Kashigi said about East Turkistan", Kyrgyz scientist, Doctor of Philology, Professor Saypullah Abdullayev, "Gems of the Syntax of Turkic Languages", Bahromjan Hainazarov, associate professor of Uzbekistan State University, doctor of historical sciences, read reports under the title "Study of the scientific heritage of Mahmud Kashgar in Uzbekistan".

Doctor of philology, Prof. Saipulla Abdullayev, who received an interview on our radio, emphasized that Mahmud Kashigi's work is widely studied in Kyrgyzstan and said: "It should be noted that there is another work attributed to Mahmud Kashigi's pen. It is a work called "Kitabi Jawahir An-Nahw Fi Lughat At-Turk". The scholar himself reports on this work, but this work has not been found. Nevertheless, we followed in Mahmud Kashigi's 'footsteps' and were inspired to act to fill this void. In this, we used the methodology of Divan Lugat-Tit Turk. As a result, as a conclusion of our research, we developed a syntaxe system of language units that are unique to Uighur and other Turkic languages, and described it. Syntaxes are not traditional sentences and their types. They are the true essence of the syntax of Turkic languages. Because according to them, Turkish speakers can express their thoughts and imaginations about everything in this world. On their basis, countless sentences and phrases may appear in speech. Thus, following the 'footsteps' of Mahmud Kashigi, it was possible to achieve such inspiration and results."

Mr. Ruslan Arziyev, associate professor of Oriental philology and translation department of Abay Kazakh National Pedagogical University, Ph.D. candidate of philological sciences, spoke about the teaching of Mahmud Kashgar in Uighur-language schools in Kazakhstan. Despite economic difficulties in the early years of independence, Kazakhstan has invested heavily in educational programs aimed at educating the new generation of independent citizens. The courses written on the basis of these programs are called "new generation courses". Special attention is paid to the mother tongue in this program. Previously, this subject was taught up to the 9th grade, but according to the new program, it will be taught in the 10th and 11th grades as well. In grades 5-8, the grammar of the Uyghur language is given in a systematic way, and in the 9th grade, the similarities and differences between the Uyghur language and other Turkic languages; Ancient Turkish and Uighur writings related to the history of the Uighur language; The stylistics of the Uighur language; Uighur language skills were passed. The 10-11th grade courses are written in socio-humanitarian and natural-mathematical directions depending on the program.

Ruslan Arziyev continued and said: "The 10th grade ``Uyghur language'' course, written in a socio-humanitarian direction, includes sections such as the art of speaking, the rules of spelling and pronunciation of the Uyghur language, the composition of the vocabulary of the Uyghur language, the vocabulary of the Uyghur language, and the speech etiquette of the Uyghur language. . In the Uyghur language lexicography section, Mahmud Kashghi and his great work ``Divan Lughat-Tit Turk'' are introduced in detail. About sixty pages of the 280-page textbook are directly devoted to the ``Divan Lughat-Tit Türk''.

As far as we know, scientists living in many countries of the world, including the republics of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Uzbekistan in Central Asia, have made it a tradition to refer to Mahmud Kashigi's "Divan Lughat-tit Turk" work from time to time in their research on the language and literature of Turkic peoples. In this regard, they emphasize the global significance of Mahmud Kashgari's work.


  1. It is emphasizing its enduring significance across generations.

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