Summoning the head of the World Anti-Doping Agency to appear before the US Congress

Summoning the head of the World Anti-Doping Agency to appear before the US Congress

The head of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), Witold Banka, was summoned to the US Congress for a hearing on the topic “Study of anti-doping measures before the 2024 Olympic Games.”

Information about this appeared on the website of the Energy and Commerce Committee of the US House of Representatives.

In addition to Banka, 23-time Olympic champion Michael Phelps, four-time Olympic champion Allison Schmidt and USADA head Travis Taggart will be called for the hearing.

The hearing, held by the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee, comes amid protests in the swimming community over the admission of Chinese swimmers to the Tokyo Olympics .

Last April, an investigation was published saying that 23 Chinese swimmers who participated in the 2021 Tokyo Olympics tested positive for the banned substance trimetazidine.

The publication notes that anti-doping officials repeatedly provided the agency with intelligence data indicating that Chinese swimmers were covering up doping, but the organization did not care.


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