Professor Kirill Prochaev, a geriatric specialist, points out that the deficiency of some substances, especially vitamins B and D, over a long period poses a danger to the brain.
Professor Kirill Prochaev, a geriatric specialist, points out that the deficiency of some substances, especially vitamins B and D, over a long period poses a danger to the brain.
According to the doctor, a deficiency of these substances increases the risk of cognitive disorders, including dementia.
He says: “The brain needs the full set of B vitamins and vitamin D. B vitamins are found in grains and legumes. As for vitamin D, the situation is different. The person must be examined and the level of vitamin D in the blood determined. Because many people live in areas where they do not get enough "The sun is especially important in winter, and there are not always foods that help maintain the required level of this vitamin. Therefore, if necessary, vitamins must be taken in the form of tablets."
According to him, the second group that the brain needs is mineral elements, especially zinc, because it supports cognitive functions and helps prevent depression.
He says: “There is a lot of zinc in nuts (pine nuts, walnuts, peanuts, almonds, hazelnuts, etc.) and pumpkin seeds - they help maintain zinc at the required level. Iron is also important for brain health because it ensures blood formation. And if the blood formation system is not working well "The person will suffer from anemia, which will lead to insufficient oxygen reaching the brain."
The professor points out that an artificial deficit in carbohydrates should not be created, because they are necessary to provide the brain with energy, and it is better to obtain them not through pure sugar, but rather through complex carbohydrates - such as grains and fruits.
He says: “There is a rule stating that everything that is good for the heart is good for the brain, and everything that is harmful to the heart is bad for the brain. That is, the deficiency of some substances that lead to impaired heart activity (such as a deficiency of potassium and magnesium) will ultimately negatively affect brain activity.” ".
We must eat a healthy diet.