South Africa: Ramaphosa promises “a new era”

South Africa: Ramaphosa promises “a new era”

Cyril Ramaphosa was sworn in for a second term as president of South Africa on Wednesday in Pretoria. Solemn ceremony marking the start of a new era, promised by the president re-elected Friday by the new parliament.

Mr Ramaphosa must now name a cabinet in a new coalition government after his party, the African National Congress, lost its parliamentary majority in last month's elections. He was re-elected president by lawmakers on Friday, after the main opposition party and a third, smaller party joined the ANC in a coalition deal to co-govern Africa's most industrialized economy.

He will have to lead the first coalition government in which no party has a majority. At least three parties will form what the ANC calls a national unity government, and others will be invited to join.

Mr Ramaphosa was sworn in at a public ceremony at the Union Buildings, the seat of government, before Chief Justice Raymond Zondo.

Former and current African heads of state and diplomats attended the inauguration ceremony, as Mr Ramaphosa begins what promises to be a difficult final term in office.

King Mswati III of Eswatini, Nigerian President Bola Tinubu, Zimbabwean President Emerson Mnangagwa and former Kenyan Prime Minister Raila Odinga were among the dignitaries present at the inauguration.

The ceremony included a 21-gun salute from the Presidential Guard and a South African Air Force flypast over Union buildings. South African musicians and dancers entertained the thousands of citizens who attended the swearing-in.

Addressing the nation, Mr Ramaphosa said the people had spoken and their wishes would be respected.

"South African voters did not give a single party the mandate to govern our country alone. They asked us to work together to address their challenges and realize their aspirations," he said.The leader The newly elected State Secretary added that the people of South Africa "have also unequivocally expressed their disappointment and disapproval with our performance in certain areas where we have fallen short of our obligations."

While Mr Ramphosa's remarks are meant to reassure a population already struggling economically, the new administration could prove difficult to lead.

It is made up of ideologically opposed parties who do not agree on how to address the country's many challenges, including land redistribution policies and proposed solutions to the electricity crisis that is paralyzing the country, as well as their divergent views on affirmative action.

Major players such as the Democratic Alliance and the Inkatha Freedom Party have already joined the coalition, and others such as the Patriotic Alliance, the GOOD Party and the Pan African Congress are expected to join. , follow in their footsteps.

However, the third largest party, led by former president Jacob Zuma, the uMkhonto weSizwe party, and the left-wing Economic Freedom Fighters Party refused to join. The date of formation of the new cabinet of the seventh South African administration remains unknown.


  1. He faces the challenge of uniting ideologically diverse parties to tackle economic struggles.

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