Simple steps while shopping "prevent" weight gain

Simple steps while shopping "prevent" weight gain

A team of experts revealed tricks that can be adopted in weekly shopping to help lose weight.

Here are the most important of these tricks:

1. Make a list of the necessary foodstuffs

“A list will help you stay on task, prevent procrastination, and make you less likely to panic buy pizza because you don't know what to do,” says Dr. Eileen Alexander, weight loss expert.

“I make my food shopping list the way I walk around the supermarket, starting with fruit, veg and meat,” explains fitness trainer Ekam Grewal. “
I’m strategic, so I go in and out and only get what I know I need.”

2. Never shop when you are hungry

"Shopping when you're hungry means you're more likely to overbuy," Alexander says. "When we do that, we're more likely to overconsume, and that leads to extra calories we don't need."

3. Check the labels

Take time to check labels on packaged foods to be sure of what you're going to eat, focusing on sugar, saturated fat and salt.

4. Focus on fruits and vegetables

Fruits and vegetables are important because they are high in fiber and nutrients.

And if you're worried that fresh produce will spoil too quickly, buy frozen because it will last for several months, including peas, berries, mango, spinach, and mixed vegetables.

5. Order online

This way you can easily read labels, compare items, and avoid items that attract attention.

Alexander explains: “Professor Brian Wansink, a researcher in food psychology and consumer behaviour, tells us how the placement of foods, as well as their marketing and packaging, has a huge impact on our purchasing behaviour. This means that supermarkets are often designed in a way that aims to generate profits, “Not health, which makes it more difficult to consistently make healthy choices.”

6. Plan real snacks

Try to avoid the snack and sweets aisle, and buy nutritious and wholesome snacks, such as plain nuts and crackers.

7. Cook food in large quantities

If you rely on high-fat, high-calorie ready-made foods that won't fill you up because you're too busy, prepare meals in bulk by purchasing enough ingredients.


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