Scientists: Fruits reduce the risk of depression

Scientists: Fruits reduce the risk of depression
Scientists at the Center for Healthy Brain Aging at the University of New South Wales in Australia have discovered that eating fruits is associated with a lower risk of depression in people aged 45 and over.

The Journal of Affective Disorders indicates that 7,801 volunteers who do not suffer from depression, all over 45 years old, participated in this study.

According to the magazine, at the beginning of the study, the researchers collected the necessary information about the health and condition of each volunteer and the percentage of fruits and vegetables in his diet using questionnaires. Then, I started following them for nine years.

During this period, researchers monitored 1,630 cases of depression. The comparative analysis showed that the effect of vegetable consumption on the probability of contracting this disease was not statistically significant. But it turns out that a high proportion of fruit in the diet is clearly and closely linked to a higher level of mental health.

Researchers believe that the reason is that vegetables are usually eaten cooked, which leads to the loss of many nutrients. As for fruits, they are usually eaten fresh and raw, which allows you to obtain all the antioxidants, vitamins and dietary fibers necessary for brain health.


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