Report: 23% of ministerial positions are held by women, who constitute approximately one-third of ministers in 141 countries

Report: 23% of ministerial positions are held by women, who constitute approximately one-third of ministers in 141 countries

The United Nations revealed that women remain very excluded from positions of power and diplomacy, as there are only 26 countries currently led by women, while men occupy the levels of influence and decision-making.

The Commission's report revealed that, as of January 1, 2024, women hold only 23% of ministerial positions, and in 141 countries, women constitute less than a third of ministers. With 7 countries without any female representation in their ministries at all.

The report - on the occasion of the International Day of Women in Diplomacy on June 24 - noted that “globally, the underrepresentation of women in decision-making remains a stark reality, according to UN Women’s global data on women political leaders for the year 2024.”

The report added: “Male dominance in diplomacy and foreign affairs extends to permanent missions to the United Nations, where women remain underrepresented as permanent representatives of their countries. As of May 2024, women held 25% of permanent representative positions in New York, and 35% in Geneva, And 33.5% in Vienna.

The report considered that the election and appointment of women to leadership positions indicates a strong political will to achieve gender equality and demonstrates a collective commitment to addressing the challenges facing the world today.


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