Leading them is Gantz 3 ministers resign from the emergency government headed by Netanyahu

Leading them is Gantz 3 ministers resign from the emergency government headed by Netanyahu
The Minister in the Israeli War Council, Benny Gantz, on Sunday evening, carried out his threat to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and submitted his resignation from the emergency government, after the expiration of the deadline yesterday, which he set to develop a clear strategy for the war on Gaza and beyond, which did not happen.

Member of the Israeli War Council, Gadi Eisenkot, and Minister Heli Tropper also submitted their resignation from the emergency government, similar to the decision announced by Gantz.

Gantz, the most prominent candidate to form the next government, said during a press conference: “With a heavy heart, I officially announce my withdrawal from the emergency government,” adding: “Netanyahu made decisions based on (personal) political considerations and is preventing us from progressing towards a real victory (in Gaza). We must “From setting an agreed upon date for the (early) elections.”

He continued: "I apologize to the families of the detainees (prisoners in Gaza). We failed the test, and the responsibility also falls on me." He also expressed his support for the deal proposal announced by US President Joe Biden, "but Netanyahu did not have the courage to make it successful."

Gantz called on Defense Minister Yoav Galant, the candidate to succeed Netanyahu in the leadership of the Likud Party (right), to resign, saying: “You must make the right decision and resign from the government.”

Subsequently, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu attacked Gantz after submitting his resignation, saying that it “does not come at the right time.”

Netanyahu said, in a post on the “X” platform: “Israel is fighting an existential war on several fronts, Benny (Gantz). This is not the right time to abandon the campaign. Rather, this is the right time to unite forces.”

On the same level, the extremist Minister of National Security, Itamar Ben Gvir, called on Netanyahu to join the war council, after Gantz’s resignation.

Ben Gvir said, in a post on “X”: “In light of Gantz’s retirement, I sent a request to the Prime Minister asking him to join the war council. It is time to make courageous decisions, achieve real deterrence, and achieve security for the residents of the south, the north, and Israel as a whole.”

Gantz's National Unity party joined Netanyahu's government following the outbreak of the war, which became called the "emergency government," and as a result, a government or mini-war council was formed


  1. It is potentially shifting the political landscape.

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