Identification of a new gene that can combat aging

Identification of a new gene that can combat aging
A team of Chinese academics has found a gene in the DNA of fruit flies that can slow the rate of cell degeneration, revealing anti-aging secrets.

The research team studied 1,283 pieces of DNA in fruit flies and found that the CG11837 gene regulates their lifespan. When the gene's activity was enhanced, the fruit flies lived about 59% longer than usual.

The researchers examined the gene through a human database, and found a 93% match with the human gene known as DIMT1.

In the experiment, they exposed human cells to radiation to cause damage somewhat similar to age-related deterioration that occurs in humans.

They found that cells with the enhanced DIMT1 gene “aged” 65% slower than unaltered cells.

Both the human gene and the insect gene change the shape and structure of mitochondria, which plays a role in balancing the oxidative stress that drives the aging process.

Mitochondria are responsible for producing energy (called ATP), which the cell needs to function. If our cells do not get the energy they need, the tissues or organs of the body do not function properly, and the aging process begins.

The team hopes that the results will stimulate the search for ways in which we can activate this gene.

The study was published in the journal Nature Aging.


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