How do we protect children from developing diabetes in the future?

How do we protect children from developing diabetes in the future?

Endocrinologist Dr. Daria Khaykina points out that children must be prevented from obesity to avoid developing type 2 diabetes in the future.

According to her, diabetes is a disease in which the blood sugar level rises. This serious disease causes complications in adults and children alike.

In an interview with Gazeta news, the doctor explains how to protect a child from diabetes, noting that there are many types of diabetes. But there are two main types of diabetes - type 1 and type 2, both of which cause high blood sugar levels.

She says: “Type 1 diabetes usually develops in childhood or adulthood and is caused by the body’s inability to produce insulin. Type 2 diabetes is more common among adults due to the body’s weak response to insulin or its insufficient production. But, unfortunately, The second type now affects even adolescents.”

According to her, it is attributed to the symptoms of diabetes - frequent urination, feeling thirsty, increased appetite, unexplained weight loss, fatigue and blurred vision.

She says: “The danger of diabetes lies in its complications, as it can lead to cardiovascular disease, nerve damage (neuropathy), kidney failure, poor vision and even amputation of limbs. This only happens in cases where the person does not control the sugar level.” .

How do we protect children from developing diabetes in the future?
The specialist points out that the causes of diabetes are different and varied, as the first type is usually associated with autoimmune processes, when the body attacks pancreatic cells, making it unable to produce insulin - the hormone that lowers blood sugar levels.

She says: “Unfortunately, it is not possible to prevent a child from developing type 1 diabetes, but to prevent its development, you must pay attention to its initial symptoms and consult a doctor periodically.”
The second type of diabetes is linked to genetic factors as well as lifestyle - excess weight and lack of physical activity. That is, its development can be prevented.

To protect children from this disease, it is recommended that:

1 - Follow a correct and regular diet that contains fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and non-fat proteins, and reduce the intake of sugar and simple carbohydrates.

2 - Regular physical activity - Encourage children to exercise or play actively outdoors for at least 60 minutes a day.

3- Explaining the importance of a healthy lifestyle to children, as well as the risks associated with unhealthy diets and lack of physical activity.

4 - Regular medical examinations: Visit the doctor regularly to monitor the child’s health condition and identify potential problems in a timely manner. If the child is already overweight, an endocrinologist should be consulted.

In general, the child should get used to healthy habits early, thus reducing the risk of developing diabetes in the future.


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