How can hands detect heart disease and cancer?

How can hands detect heart disease and cancer?

Health experts have revealed that specific changes in the shape or color of the fingers or toes can indicate various health conditions, some of which may be life-threatening.

Here are the most common signs:

- Fingers clubbing

Clubbing occurs when your fingers and/or toes begin to swell, and the skin around your nails becomes shiny. Clubbing often changes the shape and angle of the toenail as the upper part of the appendix enlarges.

Mount Sinai Hospital revealed that the most common cause of finger clubbing is lung cancer, although it can indicate other heart and thyroid conditions.

Typically, it starts at the base of the nail before expanding, causing the nails to bend more than normal.

- Bruised fingers

Bruising (without injury) is often a signal for doctors to test for certain types of cancer.

Simon Ridley, director of Leukemia Research UK, said: “One of the common warning signs and symptoms of leukemia is bruising. These bruises are different from the ones we all get from time to time, as they can appear in strange or unexpected places, such as Hands in adults.

If the color of your fingers changes without bruising, this may also be a sign of a phenomenon where blood stops flowing properly to the fingers and toes, causing the color change.

This is often caused by stress, but is often harmless. If it becomes painful or is associated with other conditions, it may be an indication of lupus or Crohn's disease.

- Swollen joints

Swelling of the joints of the hands can occur when patients with familial hypercholesterolemia eat a lot of fast foods and neglect self-care.

This is referred to as tendon xanthoma, a condition caused by a buildup of cholesterol around tendons, which can affect the joints of the hand and knees.

If you notice your joints are swollen and you have other yellow bumps on your hand, or around your eyes, it may be worth getting a medical checkup.

Swelling in your legs and feet could be a sign of heart disease, according to the American Academy of Dermatology.


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